Ceres Strong Gin 700ml
Ceres Strong Gin is our take on a navy strength gin.
A London dry style strong gin long on juniper, with lemon, lime, and pepper leaf. The addition of finger limes rounds out the flavour nicely.
The higher alcohol content requires more botanicals to bring the flavours through.
Ceres Strong Gin is 58% ABV.
Crafted with love in Geelong.
Our Ceres 200ml Gin Bottle Bonanza is here just in time for the festive season. You receive a bottle of any 200ml Ceres Gin for $10 when you purchase any Ceres 700ml Gin bottle. That’s 900ml of Ceres Strong Gin for $90 (was $115, a 20% saving). Limited offer until 20 December 2024 via online shop or at the Distillery. Conditions apply and refer to website for details.